400 078 7956
BX series automatic skip

添加时间:2016-05-05 17:05:59 浏览量:1092

 Performance characteristics

This machine is designed to solve small and medium-sized chicken feeding problems, automatic feeding, automatic lineThe direct current motor is driven by a direct current motor to drive, the noise is small, the operation is convenient, the operation is convenient, and the operation is convenient.Flexible, time-saving, uniform feeding, low power consumption, is laying hens and broiler feedingIdeal choice. The machine battery, motor and other major components are used domestic famousBrand, to ensure quality.

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Copyright © Qingzhou Baixin Machinery Co. Ltd. Tel: +86.0536 3553956 +86.0536 3557956 Website Address: www.sdbxjx.com www.qzbxjx.com
Fax: +86.0536 3556367 National toll free telephone:400 078 7956 Address: China Shandong Qingzhou City Development Zone