400 078 7956
Automatic water heating and air heating dual purpose hot blast stove

添加时间:2016-05-06 08:32:19 浏览量:478

Baixin plumbing and heating dual-purpose stove is mainly used in livestock breeding, vegetable planting, floriculture industry, taking into account the collective heating factories, workshops, schools, homes and other occasions. With automatic temperature control device to realize the at the same time, the hot air and plumbing rapid increase in greenhouse farming, planting shed and workshop of temperature, when the temperature reaches the request quickly stop, with the remainder of the temperature in the furnace to maintain the temperature of the hot water, so as to stop holding for a long time, the coal saving. The new toneTemperature machine has the advantages of simple installation, convenient management, labor saving, barn room clean, no dust pollution, full utilization of energy, compared with the traditional heating energy-saving 85% above, heat utilization rate of more than 95%, winter summer dual-purpose, summer use of groundwater cooling. 

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