400 078 7956
What matters should pay attention to centrifugal fan in operation ?

添加时间:2016-05-06 09:32:37 浏览量:844

   Centrifugal fan running some things to note, let's see what they need to pay attention to which specific matters.
    First, always pay attention to the temperature of the cooling and lubrication of the bearing case centrifugal fan.
    1. Rolling pressure on oil lubrication: bearings should be less than the normal temperature of 60 ℃, allow 70 ℃, inlet oil temperature of 35 ℃ -45 ℃, the outlet oil temperature 55 ℃ -65 ℃, the temperature rise less than 40 ℃
    2. Rolling grease: Bearing normal temperature should be less than 70 ℃, allow 80 ℃, inlet oil temperature of 35 ℃ -45 ℃, the outlet oil temperature 55 ℃ -65 ℃, the temperature rise less than 40 ℃
    3. Slide bearing: normal temperature should be less than 70 ℃, it allows 80 ℃, inlet oil temperature of 35 ℃ -45 ℃, the outlet oil temperature 55 ℃ -65 ℃, the temperature rise less than 40 ℃
    4. Slide bearing: normal temperature should be less than 65 ℃, allow 70 ℃, inlet oil temperature of 35 ℃ -45 ℃, the outlet oil temperature 55 ℃ -65 ℃, temperature rise less than 35 ℃
    Second, pay attention to vibration and impact noises case unit. Always check the use vibrometer amplitude housings. Pay attention to listen if there is a collision inside the machine and other sounds.
    Third, with the ammeter to monitor the motor load, centrifugal fan for a long time does not allow the frying operation under load.
    Fourth, dust exhaust, coal and other centrifugal fan, dust to check whether the change of ash particles meet the requirements of a centrifugal fan.
    V. temperature centrifugal fan, pay attention to changes in the temperature of the gas, if there is more than the maximum temperature allowed by the centrifugal fan.

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